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Care & Maintenance

As a home dog its highly likely the coat will be kept shorter so its easier to maintain.


If you don't want to upkeep the trimming yourself, a groomers appointment will be necessary every 6-8 weeks depending on coat length. This can be extended if the dog is shaved down over summer.


But PLEASE, listen to your groomer on your dogs needs! each dog is different depending on personal circumstances.

Suffer from allergies?

The ODOURLESS & HYPOALLERGENIC & NON SHEDDING coat will hopefully steer you clear of those nasties.

Nail trimming - An important part of your dogs life. This is relevant for any breed, not just the Kerry Blue Terrier. As nails grow and become too long, they can impede on your dogs walking and balance abilities. Cut your dogs nails on a fortnightly basis to keep them nice and short.

Teeth - Kerry Blue Terriers love to keep themselves busy. Bones, Dried treats such as natural pigs ears and even cow hooves are just some of the treats we give on a regular basis to ensure good dental hygiene.


 Flea/ Tick Treatment & Worming - Regular worming and flea treatment is important. Follow the directions on the specific branded items which you purchase as all are different and you definitely don't want to get it wrong.

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